Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How about some Vocab?

Here is a nice list of 1000 SAT Vocab Words; have fun stormin' the castle! (do you think it is going to work? It'll take a miracle) b' bye!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

'Twas the week before Christmas . . .

"Twas the week before Christmas Break and all through High Schools, not a SAT prep book was stirred, not even by an over-achieving geek.

Well, it doesn't rhyme very well and it would be painful if I kept it up, even for me. Seriously, this week is usually a time to let down a bit and relax. Most schools are in the holiday spirit and know that minds are elsewhere. So Mr. Grinch may give you a test before Dec 20, but the majority of work will not be tough. So, relax and enjoy the week.

This Christmas break is a nice long one, with Dec 25 on a Tuesday, we get two weekends. It is an excellent time to do some prep work - WITHOUT PRESSURE!

Take the Big Blue Pillow and begin doing some problems. Let me set the stage for you... wake up some time after 10 or 11am, eat cookies or left-overs for breakfast, curl up on the couch and turn on the tv -- then get down to some serious, or not so serious work.

Here is how to tackle working during the break. Do as many problems as you can until you fall asleep - then take a nap. If you can do the problem - skip it. Only work on problems that you can't do! And here painful part, go look up the concept covered by the problem and read it!

Merry Merry