Friday, May 17, 2013

Top 10+1 Educational Summer Activities

Parliament Tutors has a great list of educational summer activities:

TOP 10 Educational Summer Activities

Though, I think they are missing #1: Get a job!

In the new post-industrial, post-information age economy a person's education is just one of many steps in a long road of work. Rarely will your education be your end career.

If you don't have a trust fund and/or large assets to pull from, at some point in the future you are probably going to have to buy food and pay rent. Get started in the right direction now by working.

Work is not always enjoyable, it is often hard and requires discipline. My one friend often quotes his dad, "It is spelled J-O-B not F-U-N." One thing that I have found is that if you are passionate about your work, it is extremely enjoyable and often fun.

I love my job tutoring teenagers. Though the mostly hate the SAT, I love reading about ways to help them reach their goals. I love talking with other tutors, teachers, and counselors. David Greenberg from Parliament Tutors asked if we could socially network and share each other's posts. Many, many times I find myself working until I am too tired to keep going and that is a very enjoyable experience.

Go ask for your dream job. You won't get it if you don't ask.


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