Tuesday, September 05, 2006

TI-83 SAT Programs

OK, you all know how I like to do all the math on the SAT by hand. Most of my students have suffered through my opinion of the calculator-addicted generation & have seen my smug glances as I do the math by hand waiting for them to fumble with a calculator.

The truth is that the SAT contains easy math and tricky problems. But I did buy my first TI this summer for a class and am amazed at with its capabilities.

So in my never-ending quest to help my students beat the test, I went a searching and found this:

downloadable programs that solve SAT problems & Vocabulary words programmed into it, pretty sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be better if those programs were free. You can find many programs like those on for free: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/83/basic/math/